Tuesday, February 1, 2022

What Is The Best High-Interest Savings Account?

 The best high-interest savings account ensures that deposited funds earn a higher interest rate than those offered by traditional bank accounts. It is quite important to research the options available to get the highest return on your investment. Consumers can search various banks online to compare minimum account opening balance requirements, service charges, and interest rates. It is also a good idea to deal with banks that compound interest regularly.

Credit unions and banks provide perks along with high interest savings account rates for their customers. Banks might offer a high rate of interest but charge high fees when balances fall below their minimum requirements. Some banks charge fees for providing bank statements or using debit cards. Most financial institutions charge monthly maintenance fees. These fees may cost consumers more than what they earn as monthly interest, which is certainly a drawback.

Consumers might want to consider banks that only offer online banking as they have better high-interest savings account rates compared to traditional banks. Nonetheless, some traditional banks also provide online banking for the convenience of their customers. 

Many consumers find that setting money aside is one of their greatest challenges. Financial experts advise consumers to save at least 10 percent of weekly income, but it may be the best option to start off with at least 5 percent of your weekly income to reach the 10 percent minimum. If you are a first-time homebuyer, your down payment will need to come from your own savings (and not external sources like family), so you will want the best high interest savings account available. 

Consumers should take their time to research the requirements, fees, and perks of prospective financial institutions to choose the best high interest savings account in Canada. It’s always best to read the fine print.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Are High Interest Savings Accounts Safe?

 Deposit returns are low, and everyone wants to get a higher rate on their hard-earned money. It is logical to look for a high interest savings account to get the best deal, but how will you know if your money is safe in the account that you selected? This post will answer this question. 

Select a high interest savings account Canada and you can sleep at night peacefully because of the deposit protection insurance offered by the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), an independent crown corporation established by the Canadian federal government.

The CDIC offers security for all Canadian banks that are registered with the financial services authority. This includes regular savings account for high interest savings, current accounts, and money held in your TFSA or RRSP. As a matter of fact, it covers all high-interest savings bank accounts in Canada. 

You can check if your bank is covered by the CDIC by giving them a call or by checking out their website. Every institution comes with an individual registration so jot it down before getting in touch with the CDIC, as this will save you time. You might be thinking, “How much coverage do I get?”Although it is extremely rare in Canada, in the unlikely event of a bank becoming insolvent, the CDIC would reimburse you up to $100,000 for each type of account held in any given institution. 

The protection that this insurance offers is fully guaranteed by the government. Fundamentally, it is the Canadian government providing you with a safety net. You don’t have to be concerned about whether or not there will be enough funds available for you to get a payout as the government assurance is the best assurance that you can get. 

But what do you do if you have more money? Simple! Diversify it across various banks. You would get the coverage for each and every financial institution, and your money would be quite safe indeed. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Things You Should Know About a High-Interest Savings Account

 Interest rates are on the rise, and there has never been a better time to start working on those savings. Keeping this in mind, we have decided to look into the aspects of what make a good high interest savings account. There are numerous ways and methods to invest your money, including bonds, stocks, and property. 

As the world markets have become so unpredictable and volatile right now, we strongly suggest a safe way to invest your hard-earned money. 

It is very simple to open a high interest savings account Canada; there are a few factors you should be aware of before doing that. Here we have listed some points you should consider before opening an account:

1. Financial goals

One of the most vital things to do before anything else is to set some financial goals for yourself. Once you have done this, you will have a clear picture about which savings account would meet your requirements. 

2. What criteria should you look for?

Highest interest rates

Online access 24/7. This will save you administration charges.

Be sure that the account you select fits with your lifestyle. For instance, if you love to use computers to bank, then be sure you have online access round the clock. If you want a chequing account, be sure the account comes with this feature.

Select an account with no initial or ongoing payment requirements. 

Select an account that doesn’t require a high minimum balance.

3. Protecting your Savings account

Be mindful while agreeing to the bank’s terms and conditions. Although you may think that terms and conditions are the same everywhere, in most cases they are not. You should always take your time before signing on the dotted line. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Everything You Should Know About a High Interest Savings Account

 High Interest Savings Account implies funds that are deposited earn a higher interest rate than those provided through traditional bank accounts. It is quite vital to evaluate sources to get the highest return on your investment. It is suggested opening accounts with banks that compound interest daily. Consumers can review an assortment of banks over the internet to compare minimum opening, balance necessities, service fees, and interest rates. 

Credit unions and banks often provide perks to their customers for opening a high interest savings account. Banks might provide a higher rate of interest, but charge inflated fees, especially when balances fall below their minimum requirements. Some banks assess fees for offering paper bank statements or using their ATM machines. Most of the “traditional” financial institutions charge monthly maintenance fees. 

Consumers might want to consider using an online bank as they have a tendency to have higher interest rates and lower fees, than traditional banks. Nonetheless, some traditional banks do also provide online banking as a benefit to their customers. You should always look for the best high interest savings account Canada.  

Many consumers find setting money aside to be one of the greatest challenges they face in life. Financial experts recommend consumers should set aside at least 10 percent of their income for savings, but it may be easier to start off with at least 5 percent of your weekly income initially and gradually increase this until you reach the goal of 10 percent minimum. You may want to consider using a bank account that is not connected to your debit card for a “savings only” account to prevent you from using this account too easily. Have you ever “borrowed” money from your savings account, intending to pay it back soon, and then not pay it back? If you make it a little more difficult to access the account, this may be your best approach to utilizing the highest interest savings account Canada to your maximum advantage.

Consumers should take time to conduct research comparing financial institutions regarding fees, interest rates, and perks before opening a high interest savings account. Although these are important options to consider, it is vital to read the fine print to decide if hidden charges exist.

Friday, August 20, 2021

What a Good Ontario Financial Planner Can Do For You

 When people make a financial plan, they are taking charge of the financial matters for their future. If you are not sure what this entails, or maybe you require assistance in starting a plan, then this post will provide some information that will help you see the impacts that this can have on your life goals and why it is vital to get a qualified Ontario financial planner to assist you.

It is vital to know what makes a good Ontario financial planner, as this person should be competent enough to assist you with your retirement goals. This planner will assist you to formulate a strategy that includes information about your present situation and where you want to end up later in life.

Some of the problems that your financial planner will look into include:

Your assets and their value

Plans for tax and insurance requirements

Present and long-term living expenses

Plans for investments

Present and upcoming sources of revenue

Why work with a Financial Planner?

Less concerns about debt and money

Gain control of your financial situation

Guidance with prioritizing your goals

Focus on the big picture

Save more money to reach your goals

Monitor and review your investments

Friday, June 11, 2021

You Are Unique, and Your Financial Plan Should be, too

Financial planning in Kingston is a growing industry. Financial planning has become a fundamental component of comfortable retirement — and the rules keep changing. The earlier you understand the importance of financial planning, and how it works, the better.

Do you know what financial planning means? Can you differentiate between financial literacy, financial freedom, and financial independence? Are you aware of the power of compounding returns that can make your money work for you? If you answered “no” to even one of these questions, then you are in need of financial advice.

What is financial literacy?

When you thoroughly understand how much you can save, invest, and spend — and, at the same time, update your financial knowledge with the growing times — consider yourself financially literate.

Financial independence involves making financial decisions on your own and having the ability to live the lifestyle that you want with the money that you earn yourself.

Financial freedom is what we all strive for and means that comfortable retirement is now possible.

Should you save or invest?

Well, both. These options are not mutually exclusive. If you are not able to consistently save a bare minimum of 10% of your income, or more comfortably 25%, then you are living beyond your means. You need an emergency fund that is easily available in case there is an unexpected expense. Anything beyond this emergency fund can be invested in order to increase your long-term returns.

The interest rates you receive in a bank account or GIC will not keep up with inflation. Although your money is “safe,” it is actually losing value when it grows at a lower rate than inflation.


Stocks are good if you have a thorough understanding of the stock market and are investing with a very long timeframe, have the patience to do the necessary research to find good companies to invest in, and have enough money to invest that you can properly diversify your portfolio. It is important to be very well diversified in many companies in many industries with excellent long-term viability, but this can be very difficult to accomplish with a small investment portfolio. Keep in mind that most new self-managed investors lose most, or all, of their money in the stock market. There are many more professional investors out there, and if after some initial losses it feels to you like there is a conspiracy within the stock market to take your money, you are completely correct. In order for someone to make money in the stock market, someone else needs to lose money. It is the very nature of the stock market. Professional investors are only too happy to take your money. In fact, they depend on a steady stream of new, inexperienced investors, or “lambs”, as they are often called, in order to provide them with an easy income.

A way to increase the rate that you lose your money in the stock market is to use pattern trading or day trading. Regardless of how many webinars you sit through and how many “gurus” assure you that their “system” will beat the market, the vast majority of new investors will lose most of their savings in a short period of time. There is, in fact, a 90/90/90 “rule” that states that 90% of new investors will lose 90% of their money in 90 days.

Consider professional advice — your life savings will thank you. Keep in mind that professional advice is not free, but it will pay for itself many times over.


Bonds are much more stable than stocks but offer a far lower rate of return. When a government or corporation needs to raise funds, you loan them an amount of money, and you get a bond in return. The government or company, after a set time, will pay you back the money along with interest, which is predetermined when you purchase the bond. The rates are usually similar to GICs and will not keep up with inflation, and unlike GICs, bonds can lose value while you own them.

Mutual funds or segregated funds (managed funds)

For anyone other than a true professional stock trader, a managed fund is, by far, your best choice. A managed fund will hold dozens, or even hundreds, of companies’ stocks or bonds within them. This creates an automatic diversification that the average investor simply cannot do on their own. This will greatly reduce your risk.

Some managed funds are sector specific, and others are more general in nature. There is such a thing as being “too diversified,” so you may want some professional guidance in making the appropriate choices. An experienced financial advisor or financial planner can help you make the correct choices — or you can ask your trusted advisor to choose an appropriate portfolio of funds for you.

View Source:- https://kingstonfinancial-ca.medium.com/you-are-unique-and-your-financial-plan-should-be-too-595a643c2bb2

What Is The Best High-Interest Savings Account?

 The best high-interest savings account ensures that deposited funds earn a higher interest rate than those offered by traditional bank acco...